Monday, June 22, 2009

Al Gore vs. God

I'll admit it, I'm totally annoyed by environmentalism. Especially annoying to me is the extreme kind that tells me I can't use a plastic bag or drive to the store in my own car or fly anywhere without "paying for my sin" to some environmental taxation scam company. I have a joke that I'll be the last mini-van on the road with the last plastic bags in existence in the back of it. Tell me I can't do something and I'll do it MORE just to prove I can! I will "save the planet" only when it saves me time and money. If something is cheaper and easier AND saves me money (and just HAPPENS to be environmentally sound at the same time by total accident), I will do it. But I won't drive a more expensive car or use expensive light bulbs I have to clean up with a Hazmat suit on if they break or carry a pile of canvas bags into the store.

I believe that while we have a responsibility to be a good steward over this beautiful earth, that we were also meant to use the resources God put here for man. If "climate change" was going to happen, it would have happened in the industrial age when factories and homes spewed forth such thick black smoke that it created the famed "London Fog" and choked the air in most industrial areas of the U.S. Our air is so much cleaner now, yet, we are constantly warned that we will all draw our last breath of air any day now if we don't stop doing what we're doing. The fact of the matter is that "Panic Pays" and Al Gore has built an empire around it.

I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenants the other day and came across an interesting scripture in section 104. Verse 17 says, "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves".

That seems to me to settle the question of whether or not we are pillaging the planet. Oil fields which were expected to dry up many years ago, are now refilling with oil. Water is replenished each year. That doesn't mean there aren't struggling areas of the world devoid of these natural resources, but, that is, for whatever reason, God's plan for that part of the world. God tells us in that single verse that "there is ENOUGH and to SPARE" to take care of the people of the world. When you read further, we are told that we must impart to the poor - which most of us do.

I don't begrudge those who want to live their lives according to the gospel of Al Gore - but I DO begrudge those who tell me I HAVE to live that way, also. And I REALLY resent those who tell me that I have to live a certain way while they don't (such as Al Gore). If the earth is changing, it is not solely the responsibility of man. God is in control and we know, as Latter-Day Saints, that the seasons of the earth will change among other things, such as an increase in natural disasters, as we move closer to the Second Coming.

To once again quote the scriptures, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (not Al Gore) and I will continue to live my life as a good steward over the earth with the knowledge that my Heavenly Father will provide for our well-being as His beloved children and that HE, not man, controls the destiny of our planet.

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