Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blessings Disguised...

I spoke very briefly here about my BIL who is suffering from ALS. He was able to leave the hospital last Thursday after being there for 6 weeks after he had a feeding tube and ventilator put in. He was looking forward to going home, finally. He was also looking forward to getting married in October.

Well, his first night at home was rough and on Friday morning, he suffered heart failure. He was without a heart beat for too many minutes and when they finally got him back, they were concerned about brain damage.

His body was cooled down to about 87 degrees for 24 hours to try to stop any further damage to his brain. Today, they did some external tests to check for brain activity. Tomorrow they will do an EEG to test for brain wave activity. It's not looking good... He didn't flinch in pain when they poked him and his pupils didn't react when they shined a light into them.

Devestating is the only word I can come up with. This was completely unexpected at ALS does not affect your heart or brain. So, who could have imagined it would be his heart and brain that would be his undoing?

Is this a blessing in disguise? ALS is a long, slow death where your working brain eventually gets trapped inside a body that is unable to even open it's eyelids. Eventually you die of respiratory failure.

But, Dave just laid back and passed out. How simple. Is this a sign from a loving God that Dave had suffered his disease with dignity and faith and Heavenly Father said, "Well, done, my son. Come home to Me. I'm giving you the easy path." His angel mother may have pleaded on his behalf to let him leave the earth swiftly and without further suffering.

We may not know the answer to this in this life. It may not even be the end of his life right now. Further tests need to be done tomorrow. But, if it is his time to go, we must look at the blessing of it all through the tears of grief. The timing was not right for our earthly desires, but we know that our timing isn't God's timing.

I also have to believe that a loving Heavenly Father will not leave his dear, sweet Fiancee without the blessings of being with him eternally should she choose that. God loves us and does not punish us for righteous desires. It doesn't make it any easier right now. But thankfully we can look at it - eventually - with eternal eyes.


Musicmom-Amy said...

I'd call you right now but it's too late. I'm so sorry for the pain and unexpected turn of events. {{{BIG HUGS}}} my wonderful friends. I'll call you tomorrow to get the update. Prayers for the Comforter to help everyone through this time.

Anonymous said...

If I had read this this morning before I left the house when I saw you today at the local grocery store I would have given you a hug..but you looked like a mom on a mission with your list and I didn't want to intrude..I'm so sorry..Your family has been in my daily prayers since I learned of Mark going into Bishopric..